Early Georgian
Early Georgian which combine sparkle with elegance. The favourite motifs- flowers, ribbons and bows- are executed in light and pretty asymmetrical designs using diamonds and coloured stones. Diamonds, now obtainable from Brazil, thanks to the adoption of the rose and brilliant cuts, release more light than ever before, and are set in silver, while gold is reserved for coloured stones only.
Since love was a major preoccupation of eighteenth century society there are many jewels of sentiment, containing the hair of loved ones, decorated with the symbols of Cupid’s quiver, bow and arrows, hearts, hands, turtle doves, snakes and pansies.
Late Georgian
Late Georgian includes that of the Napoleonic Empire and Regency England illustrates the return to classical principles.
Cameos and intaglios are mounted in severely geometric, symmetrical designs often outlined in royal blue enamel. Similarly to enhance their white brilliance, diamonds are surrounded by coloured stones, or contrasted with bright enamels. Whereas these were worn on formal occasions, there is a large range of more light hearted decorative daytime jewellery.
Sentiment remains an important theme with locks of hair and miniatures enclosed in pendants, rings and bracelets identified by monograms